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Welcome. . .

Hi   I'm MarlaneT 

Speaking with the Artist/Composer...

I am always amazed at the beauty of the "lime green" coloring of early Spring. It lifts my spirit and makes me feel that new birth and growth are putting on a display of beauty to

help "paint" our horizon.

As we drove down this quiet street in our town, it was incredible to see the diversity of trees and sprouting leaves to greet us. The height of the trees. Their branch patterns. All amazing.

Hope you will enjoy this several minutes of "driving" with us

as you hear Bach's C Major Prelude in the background.

I find this prelude peaceful and intriguing at the same time.

I thought it was a perfect "match" for the variances of the different kinds of leaves and trees

as we hear the "variances" of tonalities of the chords as Bach moves from one to the next.

You're listening to me play one of my favorite "Friends." My Steinway.

It was a gift to me from my Mom and Dad as I was studying for a piano career.

I think of that many times as I pass the piano or sit to make it come alive with music.

Have a beautiful Spring day and remember to

"look" around you and see all the special scenes

that are only there now, in early Spring.

All the best


Hope you will enjoy this short REEL of a delightful little chipmunk who

keeps me company at our house.

He's very busy and of all the other chipmunks seem to have this "bright red" identifying color on his backside so I can tell him apart from the others.

Nature is wonderful. Take the time to see it around you.

Sometimes it's a chipmunk.

Sometimes it's a sunrise.

Sometimes it's people around us.


And Sometimes we can find encouragement from nature like this photo of a DANDELION DEFYING nature and growing between a brick wall on a deck over 3 feet of sand on a beach....I took this at Compo in Westport.

It's inspiring...,.

I often think of this picture as I'm trying to make it through the unwanted challenges in a day..


Have a great day.....

LITTLE "RED" my buddy......,makes me smile..

Watch and see the chord progression Beethoven used in just 23 measures in his d minor piano sonata Op. 21 No 2....Great fun! Beethove Sonata Dm Opus 31 No 2

Don't let the long list of chords frighten you or shy you away from trying to follow them as

the video tells you what they are BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY

I want you to HEAR those chords as they come.

Hear the MAJOR

Hear the minor

Hear the 7th Chord

Hear.....well you get my point.

Here's a fun fact and listening skill tip.......

YOU DON"T HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE the chords you are listening to

You need only to know how it makes you "feel" and experience it!

We can get to details another time, how to make them.

Enjoy and talk with. you soon......

Music with MarlaneT

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