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Learning Videos
with MarlaneT
Music Theory with Music by MarlaneT
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Watch and see the chord progression Beethoven used in just 23 measures in his d minor piano sonata Op. 21 No 2....Great fun! Beethove Sonata Dm Opus 31 No 2 Music by MarlaneT
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See how Mozart used the composing technique of "adding thirds" to make a fuller sound and enhance the melody in his Sonata IX Variation IV. Music Theory & Listening Skillswith MarlaneT
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Fun Learning video shows how Mozart used two chords, Tonic and Dominant to create his melody in his IV Variation in his A Major IX Sonata...Enjoy.....
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Heres a litte secret trick musicians use to quickly "hear" wether a Third is a minor third or a major one. It uses Beethoven Fifth Symphony opening to show how. Enjoy hearing how they do it. A "Third" is an interval between two notes that give it is tonality of MAJOR or Minor. All the best. #musictheory #musician #music #musiclover #beethoven
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Have fun with this short introduction video to "Singing in Harmony." It uses the children's song we all know, Row Row Row Your Boat. Replay and see if you can sing each of the harmonies as you hear the others....All the best Music with MarlaneT #music #SINGALONG #musiclovers #shortsvideo
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Beethoven often modulates from one key to another by using only ONE NOTE! This short video shows several quick "Key" changes in the C# minor sonata. It will have you "listening" for key changes in all your favorite music.
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Which brass instrument does NOT have any valves? How does it change pitches? FUN learning for all who enjoy music....the BRASS family in the orchestra. ENJOY! Music by MarlaneT Check out the other "teaching" videos.
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FUN lesson of "Reading Music" and Notes & Pitch.. Enjoy hearing how the note names become "Pitch" and how music comes alive.....All the best. Music by MarlaneT
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Everyone says, "I wish I could learn to READ Music" This is the FIRST learning video to show you how to exactly do that. Notes have "Names."Watch for next in weeks to come. Enjoy. MusicbyMarlaneT 🎹. #shortsvideo #musictheory #musician #musiclover
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Present in your favorite music, Fun video gives you three examples to hear what the meter is or might be...Rhythm has no pitch.No words but it has Heart and our inner spirits react to the sounds of the rhythm. MusicbyMarlaneT
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Fun Video asking you to listen to three examples of meter to see if you can tell what they are.....Fun Listening building music skills video with Music by MarlaneT. Rhythm is just Plain FUN! No pitch! No Words! No melody! Enjoy. #musiclover #musictheory #musician For more music learning videos check out my playlist on YouTube and Fun YouTube Shorts
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Ever wonder about why the instrument families have their name and who's in each? Check out short fun video about the WOODWIND Family. Don't forget to "LISTEN" so you'll also know by 'hearing.' 🎶🎹🎵As always, enjoy the music. #music #musiclovers #Orchestra
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Four chords! Curious about which chords? Which Composer? Short video takes four chords and shows you how a composer used them.... "Listen" to the chords...then listen and see what a composer did with them...Enjoy. 🎵🎹🎶 #musiclovers #musicians #musictheory #musiciansofinstagram
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Ever wonder about how the Time Signature is decided in music? It has to do with METER and where the accent is in a given grouping of beats...Watch this short fun video to get a quick look at why....Music with MarlaneT #musictheory #musician #musiclover #shortsvideo
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A FUN video showing what these three songs could sound like if they were SWITCHED from Major to minor or Minor to Major...Have FUN . As Always Enjoy Listening and learning about Music. Music with MarlaneT #musictheory #musician #musiclover
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See how the Acoustic Guitar produces music compared to a piano, harpsichord or harp. Enjoy listening to and learning about music. #musictheory #musician #musiclover #shsorts #musicshorts
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The sound of an acoustic piano is Awesome! Enjoy this short video about the mechanism of how it produces the pitch and sound. MusicbyMarlaneT #musictheory #musician #musiclover #shortsvideo #piano
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Fun video describing the difference between the various instruments in the STRING family of the orchestra. Hear and understand why they are different. Music Theory with MarlaneT. As always, enjoy listening to Music! #musictheory #musician #musiclover #orchestral
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What's the difference between the "sound" a music folder makes 'falling' on the floor and the sound of "pitch?" That would be NOISE and Tone. Enjoy this short video explaining the why....#shortsvideo #musictheory #musiclover #musician
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How can many musicians and instruments play exactly at the right time to make "Live" music happen? what allows it to happen? Fun video explaining "tempo" and the "beat" in music. #musictheory #musician #musiclover #shortsvideo #metronome
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Answer to Interval Examples on Major to Minor Video
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