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Watching Hummingbirds, I see the wonder and GLORY of God...


Put out a feeder and get HUMMING Bird Friends to enjoy all summer...

I'm in the northeast, so we don't have summer all year round. So for us, we can feed these wonderful birds for a season and then wait their return each year.

Truly. It is MAGICAL

We could not believe the first time we put out our feeder, to find that in several days

there they were. At the feeder. Hummingbirds! And we didn't even know they were in our area.

Here is a small video I made of just some of the glimpses we were able to have last year.

Our hummingbirds would come back May 8th and stay with us till late September every year. Last year they came May 4th! I guess they know the weather

I'm going to put out our feeders for them May 1st just to be sure.

I wanted to do this post to encourage those who have never tried to attract and feed the hummingbirds, to try this year and see what JOY they will give you.

They actually get to know the people who fill the feeders and become personal "friends" and aren't frightened by you.

Take care and until the next time.

All the best


Hummingbird Feed:

1 cup of water to 1/4 cup of white sugar.

Stir and you're all set.

If you're using city water, boil the water before you add the sugar.

They like the"rose" color and that is why artificial coloring is added to the feed you buy.

I use a "red" glass container for the food and spare the chemicals of food coloring,,,,

Give it a try..,you might have your own "magical" hummingbirds saying hello to you every day

till they leave to migrate.....

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